Event organized by the Federation AFUSA. If your local Alliance doesn’t offer an online conversation group or if you’d like to pick up some additional practice, you can join a hosted national group that meets via Zoom every Wednesday. Participants are invited to enjoy their favorite beverage during our “Apéro” conversation. The group is for ... Read more
28/7 - Cette activité est supprimée --- This activity is cancelled - 7/28 Danielle Fafchamps vous invite à une balade guidée bilingue des maisons historiques de Pacific Grove, ensuite nous irons déjeuner ensemble dans un restaurant au centre de Pacific Grove avec ceux et celles qui le souhaitent. Nous nous retrouverons devant la poste de ... Read more
Joignez vous à Amelia Maaske le premier mardi de chaque mois pour converser en français à Tarpy Roadhouse. Boissons, amuse-bouches, ou plats sont disponibles selon votre préférence. Nous vous prions d’apporter de l’argent en espèces afin de payer pour votre boisson et plat séparément. Contactez Amelia si vous souhaitez participer. Amelia Maaske hosts this event ... Read more
Event organized by the Federation AFUSA. If your local Alliance doesn’t offer an online conversation group or if you’d like to pick up some additional practice, you can join a hosted national group that meets via Zoom every Wednesday. Participants are invited to enjoy their favorite beverage during our “Apéro” conversation. The group is for ... Read more
Menu végétarien pour recevoir Gourmet plant-based menu Pour nos membres: Lors d'un atelier de cuisine nous créons un repas délicieux mais facile à réaliser et parfait pour faire plaisir à votre famille et à vos amis. Nous cuisinons puis savourons le fruit de notre labeur ensemble. En août Sheree Goldman sera notre Cheffe du Jour. ... Read more
Event organized by the Federation AFUSA. If your local Alliance doesn’t offer an online conversation group or if you’d like to pick up some additional practice, you can join a hosted national group that meets via Zoom every Wednesday. Participants are invited to enjoy their favorite beverage during our “Apéro” conversation. The group is for ... Read more
Event organized by the Federation AFUSA. If your local Alliance doesn’t offer an online conversation group or if you’d like to pick up some additional practice, you can join a hosted national group that meets via Zoom every Wednesday. Participants are invited to enjoy their favorite beverage during our “Apéro” conversation. The group is for ... Read more
Event organized by the Federation AFUSA. If your local Alliance doesn’t offer an online conversation group or if you’d like to pick up some additional practice, you can join a hosted national group that meets via Zoom every Wednesday. Participants are invited to enjoy their favorite beverage during our “Apéro” conversation. The group is for ... Read more
In French with English subtitles Participation is limited. RSVP to Sheree Goldman if you wish to attend. Everyone is invited to bring snacks or drinks to share. Dr. Knock: Knock, a brilliant former hustler turned doctor, moves to a village in the French Alps to take over the practice of a retiring colleague. He is dismayed ... Read more