Culture in Action

Members rating wines during our Wine Tasting event.


Cultural rites and rituals bind a society together and create community.  Rites and customs continue to be an essential facet of our local French community. At the Alliance Française de la Péninsule de Monterey we celebrate French art, culture, and food every month of the year. We regularly come together for meals, conversation, and connection. We create moments that members treasure for years to come. Whether honoring a member’s 100th birthday – a true milestone, celebrating un jour férié such as la fête de la Bastille, or observing la Fête des Rois, we revel in all aspects of French culture!

As a member, please join us for annual events such as these:

  • January: Fêtes des Rois and Annual Member Meeting
  • February: Chandeleur, Fête de Lumière
  • March: International Day of la Francophonie
  • April: Family Picnic
  • May: Group Hike and lunch
  • June: Fête de la Musique
  • July: Bastile Day, Belgium and Québec National Day Picnic
  • August: Cooking seminar, Guided promenade in the County
  • September: Fête de la rentrée, Homecoming
  • October: Jeu de Pétanque 
  • November: Dégustation de Vins, Wine tasting
  • December: Déjeuner des Fêtes, Holiday lunch

Four to five Ateliers de cuisine per year. 


Access to exceptional documentaries and events from the Alliance Française international network is one of the benefits of your membership in our Alliance: authors interviews, cooking workshops, weekly zoom Apéro, movies, in-depth documentaries e.g., The Loire Castles, the Great museums of Paris, …

These events are posted on our Facebook site and in our Calendar.