
We would like to share these resources and links with our community. Please note, we are not responsible for any of the content shared here. If you would like to suggest that we add a resource or link, please reach out!

  • Lawless French has grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation lessons, listening and reading comprehension.
  • French Morning Podcasts offers discussions on a variety of subjects designed for French expats in the US.
  • France Today  Five free digital issues
  • Bonjour Paris. The insider’s guide to Paris. To benefit from a 50% Discount for US AF members, check this link:
  • France-Amérique. A monthly bilingual magazine in the USA. Currently on a hiatus until sometimes in 2025.
  • Enjoy the latest French films at TV5 Monde
  • Learn French with TV5 monde through their free interactive website for learning French through videos, programs, and news reports. Choose from more than 2,000 online exercises and improve your French listening comprehension from beginner to advanced. You can also download the app for your smartphone or tablet.
  • To find French movies on various platforms click : here
  • La Grande Librairie, a program on the latest books published
  • French public radio (without advertising): France InterFrance Culture Radio France (app)
  • France Today Live offers free access to a wide variety of digital events and online streaming including virtual tours through France, French language tips, movies, documentaries and lectures from famous French chefs, authors, historians, chateau owners and more.